Muzane’s Weblog

Returning the Gaze (2000)
September 1, 2009, 2:29 pm
Filed under: poetry

by maganthrie pillay

I return the gaze of you looking @ me
through your specific lens
in some exotic or neurotic sense
Exhausted frustrated
of your take on me
I look at me
through my black eyes, wide op en
I look and listen
to the heartbeat

to what you miss and dismiss
or dismiss
I capture

me and mine
full screen, full frame
with no shame or blame…
My gaze will become dominant
from the margins to the centre
my point of view is subversive
without it
the picture will remain
So I return the gaze
by creating it
by deconstructing your take
and recreating
my take on me

source: agenda no.49 2001